I’m so happy….


My blog & name was mentioned on BFMs tech talk today. Woo hoo!! I’m so happy!!

You can download the podcast of the show at BFMs website here , and it’s fantastic (partially because it mentions my blog).

So while MOSTI still hasn’t given up on the bill, apparently no one in the Industry wants the bill except MOSTI, and they’re just a Government Ministry. Where were the Industry players MOSTI engaged before proposing the bill? The sad part is that even drafting out the proposal of the bill would have cost money and resources that could have been better spent elsewhere…sad!

Even though it’s sad though, I’m still happy. By the way have you started your happiness project yet?

Picture Courtesy of  http://www.flickr.com/photos/lego-lm/6512252165/sizes/z/in/photostream/

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