Embedding Tweets in your Post using Twitter-Blackbird


Twitter Blackbird is a cool wordpres plugin that let’s you embed tweets the way they appear in twitter without having to go through snapshots and uploading jpegs into WordPress. The tweet will then appear prominently and with all it’s formatting intact (if the tweeter had a black background, the backgroud would appear as part of the tweet…AWESOME!).

Here’s an example from a tweeter we all know:

[blackbirdpie id=”84789682231181312″]

The app is just gloriously simple to exectue, once you install the app, it’ll place a little black-bird icon on your dashboard such as:

Clicking on the black-bird icon opens up a pretty straight-forward menu to embed those tweets into your wordpress blog post. Happy Tweeting.

[feature image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosauraochoa/3419823308/sizes/m/in/photostream/]

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