So before you plonk down your dough on the next big thing, you might want to consider how you’d feel if within 6 months everybody else on your block had next generation 4G speeds–except you!
LiewCF reports that :
Maxis has announced that it is all set to launch 4G LTE service in Malaysia following the allocation of the 2600 MHz spectrum band for 4G LTE by MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission).
Please note that 2600 MHz spectrum band is not supported by Apple iPhone 5, which will be launched in Malaysia on Dec 14, 2012
For those who are as confused as I am, here’s the breakdown.
Long Term Evolution and 4G networks
LTE stands for Long Term Evolution , which is really a crappy acronym, because neither the acronym nor the long form convey any useful information on what it actually means. Think of LTE as the next generation of mobile data networks, or more easily described as 4G networks. This is the next step to get faster data from your phone.
However, things aren’t that simple. Just like the power sockets you have in hotel rooms, different countries have different solutions and most of the time the laptop charger you’ve brought from home won’t fit into another countries power point. LTE is exactly the same, there’s a wide frequency spectrum to choose from and while there is a chance that two different countries utilize the same frequency band–it’s best not to bet on it.
In fact, from my understanding there are as many as 43 different frequency bands in LTE, while Apple only supports 6 (Band 1,3,5,13,17,25). In case you’re wondering, Malaysia recently announced the awarding of the LTE spectrum to 8 telco players (or rather 7 telcos and 1 crony) for Band 7 of the LTE spectrum. Meaning the current LTE network that Malaysian telcos have been licensed to provide by the MCMC is not supported by the iPhone 5.
TheNextWeb reports that:
several countries, such as Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Switzerland, operate on band 7, …Still others have LTE networks on band 38, which like band 7, is at the 2600MHz frequency.
TNW has contacted Apple to find out whether it plans to release an iPhone with support for band 7 or band 38, but the company didn’t immediately respond.
Looking ahead, Apple will also need to eventually add an iPhone 5 model capable of bands 7 and/or 38 if it wants to reach LTE speeds in emerging markets like Brazil and Russia.
Why you shouldn’t buy the iPhone 5 in Malaysia
At this juncture, two things could happen.
The MCMC could look at licensing out the more ‘common’ LTE bands, and hence provide LTE support to all iPhone5 users in Malaysia.
MCMC do nothing, and Apple instead launch a new iPhone model with support for Band7. Which would make your brand new iPhone 5 near obsolete, because the LTE spectrum as I understand is controlled by the hardware and not the software. So unfortunately, unlike the power sockets, you can’t buy a cheap Rm35 adapter from AirAsia and connect your phone to a LTE network from the different frequency band–you’ll need a new phone!!
Remember we’re talking about a thousands of ringgit you’re spending on the iPhone and it won’t be able to support the next generation speeds, plus we’re also talking about a company that made it’s ‘new’ iPad obsolete in the space of months.
Side note on WiFi
Given that power sockets, mobile networks and power frequencies differ from country to country, it really is amazing that WiFi standard are consistent throughout the globe. This year, I’ve traveled to 4 different countries and never once have I experienced issues connecting to WiFi.
Whose fault is it
LiewCF has suggested it could be the MCMC, but the data suggest that we’re not the only country using Band7. The truth is that no single phone can support all LTE bands currently utilized and no single LTE network can support all phones currently manufactured.
The landscape is completely fragmented and for something as new as LTE, this is completely unacceptable. Technically it’s nobody’s fault in particular, but the entire telco industry in general should be held responsible for not putting Interoperability at the forefront of their designs.
For now, I guess we’ll just have to live this.
Apple won’t be too pleased with you. 😀 Thankfully I have no plans to get the iPhone5 (or 6 or 7 if my current phone doesn’t koyak)
That’s what I would advise as well….plus get a phone that’s guaranteed to have LTE support 🙂
Poblem btol la SKMM ni.ad je msalah.bt stndardized je la kn sng.win win stuation
# jom buat petisyen ramai2
why can’t they work it out upfront to know i5 support before enabling LTE in malaysia? looks like some big screw up..why band7 of all the other band that is already supported by i5?
Haha, to be fair to SKMM there are other countries that have LTE bands not supported by the iPhone5. In Fact the Australian government fined Apple for claiming the iPad had 4G support, when it wasn’t compatible with the Australian 4G spectrum
What about digi? Somehow it’s stated on wiki page that their LTE is at 1800MHz which is i5 LTE freq.
pf: Even if DiGi is ready for 1800 band, it is still subjective to license approved by SKMM. No license, no frequency…same goes for Maxis and Celcom.
Thanks devastated. You’re right, the SKMM only licensed out 1 band for LTE so far. So no telco can offer the other bands without first being licensed to do so by SKMM
Get a phone which support wide range of LTE i.e. Nokia Lumia 920
Issue solved.
Unfortunately….no one seems to be buying the windows phones :(.
Which is sad, because they’re pretty nice.
[…] to launch their own LTE network. I really don’t understand what all the fuss is about, only a handful of phones in the market will actually be able to ‘enjoy’ the faster speed…, but I do remember my American Colleagues telling me that LTE is America is faster than the fibre […]
I’m using samsung galaxy S3 I9305 (LTE Version) from Singapore. This phone support 2600 Mhz frequency band for LTE. It seems that i just need to wait for the LTE Coverage to be available at my hometown (Johor Bahru) and made some adjustment on the APN setting. After that, i can switch on LTE
At current situation, i’ll just have to stick with 3G HSPA+ (Using Maxis or U Mobile network)
2600hz – saya rasa galaxy note II boleh support kann ..?
[…] Maxis announced that their network now supports LTE on the iPhone 5, which is a bit strange to me. Initially the MCMC announced that the telcos awarded the LTE frequencies were given band 7 of the spectrum–which wasn’t compatible with the iPhone 5. […]
Apple the only phone manufacturer in the world who did certification for the Telco. And you can imagine, how the tidiest to get that. (You can search Google, how angry Telco to Apple about this!) MCMC only allocate free frequency with fee.
I’m thinking of buying an iphone or Ipad cause I want to play Plant vs Zombies 2 (it’s a childish reason, I know but I just can’t help it…) but now that I read this article, I have come to my senses. Until I’m thoroughly satisfied with a new phone/tablet and the supported technology, I’m sticking with the one I’m very comfortable with even now, my N900 (it’s old I know) but it’s still the best qwerty phones available out there. And a qwerty keyboard is still the best and most practical way of input for writing on a mobile. Say Samsung or Sony, could you make just one model of qwerty phones with the latest android and specs? Me and a million business consumers would appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Technically you’re never going to need LTE to play Plants vs. Zombies 🙂
But I get your point about qwerty keyboards–I know some people love them, but from my personal experience, the regular touch screen keyboards don’t take too long to get used to.