
Top 3 things I learnt from Blogging: Nothing technical about them


These past few weeks has been hectic, I’ve been moving into my new house which inevitably involved talking to a lot of contractors/plumbers/repairmen and I had a very busy go-live period for my project. (Go-Live refers to the point of an IT project when it successfully becomes available to the users). To top it off I upgraded my blog from wordpress 3.1.1 to 3.2 and the upgrade wasn’t...

Updating WordPress: Step by Step


Updating WordPress is a pretty important step in keeping your blog safe and secure. Older versions of wordpress (even those just months old) have security flaws/bugs that are public knowledge, what this means if that if you run an older version of wordpress for your blog you’re vulnerable to these security bugs unless you upgrade. What’s even worse is that the security threats are...

Making Sense of Google Analytics data


It’s been nearly 3 months since I started this blog and so far I’m no where near my target of 1000 hits a month. At least I’m about 30% of the way there, but that last 70% seems like a difficult mountain to climb here, but I’m going to try. Once again with hard work, good content and savvy marketing I’m hoping to jack up the blog hits from where it is (383...

Embedding Tweets in your Post using Twitter-Blackbird


Twitter Blackbird is a cool wordpres plugin that let’s you embed tweets the way they appear in twitter without having to go through snapshots and uploading jpegs into WordPress. The tweet will then appear prominently and with all it’s formatting intact (if the tweeter had a black background, the backgroud would appear as part of the tweet…AWESOME!).

Holykaw! I’m on Alltop


A lot of my blogs are tech-centric with a focus on web 2.0 technology. However, this decision to start this ‘new’ blog and abandon my old political slanted blogger blog was in part due to a book I read by Guy Kawasaki. Guy seems to be of the opinion that good is good enough, and if you’re going to do something…do something first, and then improve it as you go along. In...

3 popular plugins for WordPress hacked!


If you’ve got a wordpress site hosted on your own,  and you use  AddThis, WPtouch, or W3 Total Cache and you updated your site within the last 48 hours, beware you could ‘potentially’  have installed an infected plugin that gave hackers backdoor access to your site. The guys over at naked security advise you re-install those plugins and for an added security measure I advise you...

Slow Loading WordPress: How to fix it


I have a problem with my wordpress site, it was just too slow. It was taking me 20-30 seconds to load the page, initially I thought it was nearlyfreespeech, and was contemplating moving the blog to dreamhost (both of whom happen to be amazing webhost by the way). The reason I thought it was a host problem because my browser kept displaying ‘waiting for keithrozario.nfshost.com’ while...

Tweet This doesn’t work with the ‘new’ twitter


One of my favorite WordPress plugins,  Tweet This by Richard X. Thripp stop working ever since Twitter moved to the ‘new’ twitter. I just realized this yesterday. A quick search online revealed that everyone is experiencing the issue with the plugin and Richard is MIA. When you get a free plug-in don’t complain if it breaks, I’m sure Richard is quite busy or probably has...

Contact forms: continued.


Previously I bloged about adding a contact form to your wordpress powered site. The recommended approach was contact form 7, a clean and simple plugin to implement contact forms on your site. However, there are some limitations, what contact form 7 makes up in simplicity it loses in added functionality. For instance there were no captchas on contact form 7 so you can’t prevent a bot from...