Keith is an architect by day, blogger by night. He’s responsible for all the content on this blog, and irresponsible for everything else.

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Contact Tracing Apps: they’re OK.


I thought I’d write down my thoughts on contact tracing apps, especially since a recent BFM suggested 53% of Malaysians wouldn’t download a contact tracing app due to privacy concerns. It’s important for us to address this, as I firmly believe, that contact tracing is an important weapon in our arsenal against COVID-19, and having 54% of Malaysians dismiss outright is concerning...

Sharding SQS


Potassium40 was a project I started to see how fast Lambda could really go. The project attempts to download the robots.txt files from 1 million websites as fast as it can. I chose robots file because — well it’s supposed to be downloaded by robots anyway, so this was both great fun, but also completely ethical as I wasn’t scraping people’s websites. The goal is still to...

Logging within AWS Lambda Functions (python edition)


This post covers how to perform logging within AWS Lambda. Lambda has built-in integration to Cloudwatch logs, making it a default choice for logs, but the way a distributed system like lambda performs logging, is quite different from how you’d do in a monolithic app. For the brave folks still reading this — let’s dive in. Lambda Logging: 101 When building lambda functions...

Playing with files within the memory of Lambda function


A lambda function is a like a little island, surrounded by network. Unlike Fargate containers, of EC2 instances, they do not have EFS, EBS or some other fast storage support. Everything that goes into a lambda, goes in via the network interface (and network only). And hence, since Lambda’s are ephemeral, everything going in and out of the lambda has to transverse that network...

My experience with AWS Certified Security – Specialty


Last week I took the AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam — and I passed with a score of 930 (Woohoo!!) In this post I cover why I took it, what I did to pass, my overall exam experience, and some tips I learnt along the way. So let’s go. Why? Why would anybody pay good money, subject themselves to hours of studying, only to end up sitting in a cold exam room for hours...

Run serverless on GitHub actions


GitHub actions is the new kid on the workflow block. It allows users to orchestrate workflows using familiar git commands like push & pull requests, and un-familiar GitHub events like gollum, issue creation and milestone closures. In this post, we’ll use GitHub actions to orchestrate a build pipeline that will deploy lambda functions using the Serverless framework. There’s a lot...

Lambda functions in a VPC


In my honest (and truly humble) opinion, VPCs don’t make much sense in a serverless architecture — it’s not that they don’t add value, it’s that the value the add isn’t worth the complexity you incur. After all, you can’t log into a lambda function, there are no inward connections allowed. And it isn’t a persistent environment, some functions may...

Amazon KMS: Intro


Amazon KMS is one of the most integrated AWS services, but probably also the least understood. Most developers know about it, and what it can do, but never really fully realize the potential of the service. So here’s a rundown of the innards of the KMS service. What is KMS? KMS (Key Management Service) is an AWS offering that allows us to create, manage and use cryptographic keys. Like...



The system, which was introduced on the first day of the 2020 school session yesterday, takes only two seconds to scan a pupil’s face before his personal information, such as full name, pupil number and class, is stored into the school’s database A school in Johor became the first in...

My 2020 resolution: Pay for news!


This year I resolve to support the media that I like, i.e start paying for content I’ve been consuming for free all this time. I believe that if we want better media, we need to start paying for it, and it’s not a matter of quality content, a free and fair media, is an absolute necessity for democracy to operate — after all, people can’t make informed choices if they...