CategorySecurity & Privacy

Security and Privacy topics

How come the ads you see look like your previous searches?


Ever wonder how come the ads you see on Facebook or Malaysiakini reflect the searches you just recently made. Ever felt freaked out about it, there really is nothing to freak out about, unless of course you’re worried that a Multi-Billion dollar company may be keeping information about your searches and sharing them with ad sites that build profiles to uniquely identify you. Or that your...

Google Trust Issue


I remember graduating from university and heading over to Intel for my first job interview. I can’t remember most of the interview (and maybe that’s why I never got the job), but I do remember telling the interviewer my dream was to work for Google, in hindsight I probably shouldn’t have said that. Even then, and more so now, I had a huge admiration for Google. I admire they way...

First xxx domain hijacked :


The first (of probably many) xxx domain hijacks have started springing up. Earlier today, a reader contacted me about a recent post I did on the .xxx domains. He mentioned that he spotted in the wild and was curious if this was the first .xxx domain hijack. He maybe right, but in a post on his blog, he also mentions that while ICM registry doesn’t find a...

YTL has the most ridiculous Acceptable Use Policy


YTL Communications has been doing a pretty good job recently. The Star even went as far as claim that “YTL Comms to Break Even” until of course you read the article in which case it mentions that YTL require an additional 500,000 subscribers on top of it’s current 300,000 to achieve that.  However, it did offer a post-paid plan which was pretty decent, and who can forget the tie...

Good Design: Google reminds you that you recently changed your password


A couple of weeks back, Dreamhost reported a security breach on it’s servers, so I thought for security sake I should change my passwords as well. I’d been using the same password for the past couple of years and it was time for a change anyway. However, as most of you will notice,  whenever you’ve just changed your password you instinctively try to re-enter the old one on your...

WordPress 3.3.1: security vulnerability fix, Thanks to Go Daddy?


WordPress 3.3.1 was released today. This latest version of wordpress comes fresh of the heels of the 3.3 release and fixes 15 issues including a security vulnerability fix which WordPress doesn’t fully disclose. WordPress admins should see the prompt to update their blogs, and a update can be done fairly quickly via the automated update from within the admin panel itself. One thing that...