
Just a collection of stuff (mostly from my old blog)

Anti-TPP Ideologies?


2 weeks ago, Wan Saiful Wan Jan. the chief executive of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) penned an opinion piece in thestar claiming that there was a prevalence of anti-TPP ideologies in Malaysia. The Gist of his piece centered on 4 key points: The Anti-TPP ideologues opposed the bill before knowing what it was, and therefore must be stupid (or bomohs) Opponents of the TPP...

The price of freedom


The price of freedom is the possibility of crime, and if you’re unwilling to pay that price, don’t be surprised when your freedom is taken away from you. In a free country, it’s impossible to prevent a mad lunatic from getting a knife and stabbing people on a train, you might prevent some lunatics but you can’t prevent them all. The best you can hope for is that rescue...

Keith on BFM


3-4 weeks ago, I pimped myself an interview on BFM, and yesterday it finally aired. Woohoo!! Here’s the audio, and below are some show-notes you might be interested in if you want to learn more. I searched for these links AFTER the show, so they may not be 100% in step, but good place to start. Your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3 to listen on your...

PSI vs. API, Malaysia vs. Singapore air quality readings


There’s been some controversy recently regarding the Air Pollutant Index (API) readings in Malaysia, with some even accusing the government of intentionally downplaying the readings. I intended to find out exactly how the readings were different, and as a glorified techie come wannabe programmer I decide to use a data approach to this as opposed to a theoretical one. In case you’re...

Is Uni-tasking underrated?


Google reported that  91 per cent of its Malaysian respondents are “multi-screening” with their smartphones, meaning that while watching TV, or working a laptop, Malaysians were at the VERY SAME TIME, using their phones. The Malay Mail reported this as Malaysians being champion multi-taskers, but I look at it as a negative, and instead view it as indication of just how easily distracted we are...

Using the internet anonymously


While anonymity on the internet is slowly dying, there remain legitimate reasons for wanting to keep your online identity a secret from those meddling kids, governments or snooping criminals. From e-mailing leaked documents to commenting on blogs using pseudonyms or even just casual online chatting, utilizing the internet without leaving digital bread-crumbs behind you is a task that is getting...

Change WiFi password on Maxis home fiber router


Got Maxis Fiber to your home, but want to change your WiFi passwords, then here’s how you do it. First you need to logon to your router. You can do so by opening your Web-Browser and type (where you’d normally type, or just click here. You should either see a picture like the above, then you’d need to enter the username and password, or if you haven’t setup a...

A dumb-pipe and Net Neutrality


The pipe that brings water into your home is a pretty un-sexy thing, just like the electrical cables that deliver electricity. Your internet connection though, has gotten sexier and sexier–from being used to deliver paid content like hyppTV and Astro to other more interesting services, resulting in a triple play (internet, tv and phone) of services, all piped into your home on a fibre optic...

We need a change in Government


I need to take this blog to somewhere it hasn’t been. To boldly go where every other Malaysian blog has already gone–into politics. This is my blog, it’s my hobby, I don’t depend on it for my survival, I don’t rely on it for anything other than the satisfaction it provides me. Therefore, I get to do with it what I want, and today I want to talk about politics...

For the FINAL time, Malaysian internet speeds are NOT slow.


First off, apologies for the lack of content on the blog. I’ve been really busy at work these past few months, and content is slow moving. For instance, the previous post was a review of a router, that I tested for 4 weeks, and returned to the supplier more than a week ago–and the post only went up yesterday. To that end, my decision is to churn out my thoughts just ‘straight...