
Just a collection of stuff (mostly from my old blog)

The Future of work


As a father of 2 young children, I worry about how to prepare my children for the future of work. What will their careers look like? And am I preparing them the right way? Amid the Pandemic, I look at hard-hit industries and imagine how different my career would be, had I been in one of those industries. Like being a pilot, at age 40, with years of experience — living the high life in 2019...

Lucking out on life


Luck Out: (colloquial, idiomatic, US, Canada) To experience great luck; to be extremely fortunate or lucky. My life has been series of lucky breaks, a collection of events where I’ve ‘failed upwards’, and while my career isn’t wildly successful, I’m smart enough to know and humble enough to realize the comforts I have are a distant hope for billions(!) of others on...

The very Last time


I’ve been experimenting with meditation over the last few months, and I think it’s great. Next to having a disciplined 8 hours of sleep everyday, I think meditation is the best thing you can do for your personal mental health. I first started by reading headspace, and trying out his 10-minute meditation technique, but now I’m on the WakingUp app, which again starts a pretty...

MySejahtera privacy concerns


Last week, a friend sent me a video of viral video by ‘Fat Bidin’, highlighting privacy concerns of the MySejahtera app. The same author (a.k.a Zan Azlee) also wrote a comment piece in Malaysiakini explaining his concerns over the Government’s contact tracing application. Specifically, he was concerned that MySejahtera had a “slew of different capabilities that is very...

Time vs. YouTube


I asked Emily, my 7 year old daughter, why she loved YouTube so much. Specifically, why she loved **watching** others play Roblox over actually **playing** Roblox herself? It’s a strange, but common thing among children her age, as my nephews and nieces do the same for other games. No surprises then, that Google announced record profits yesterday, with YouTube alone bringing in more than $5...



Spreadsheets are the bedrock of the modern enterprise, they’re ubiquitous, from small family business’ to large multi-nationals, and you’d be surprised by the number of critical activities that run off them. Pound-for-pound, Microsoft excel is the most valuable piece of software on the planet. But are really that good? The answer depends on what you mean by ‘good’...

Stopping my Addiction


Hi, I’m Keith, and I’m a social media addict. I know, because I’ve seen this before. When I was around 8 years old, my father was a smoker, and I’d regularly see him leave family meals early to have a quick smoke, leaving us to finish our lunch or dinner without him. It was just something smokers did. Today, I’m not physically leaving the table like my father, but my...

The Myth of the anti-social developer


What is the myth There’s a belief that people in IT, specifically software developers are generally anti-social, introverted, desk-loving curmudgeons who act like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. What’s more frustrating, is that this belief is prevalent even among those working in technology — that somehow great coders are silent geniuses who shun people, while coding in a dark...

The Drudgery of Servers


As much as I love Serverless architectures, I find myself ‘locked-in’ to a server-ed WordPress blog. It’s a mixture of too much legacy content to migrate, lack of easy migration tools, and just the fact that WordPress for all it’s faults — just works! So rather than spend countless hours trying to migrate content, I decided to keep paying the $5/mo to DigitalOcean so...

Keith’s Adventures in DynamoDB Land


After reading the awesome DynamoDBBook from Alex DeBrie, I was prompted to fix a long running design issue with Klayers (a separate project I maintain). Like everybody else that dives into DynamoDB headfirst, I made the mistake of using multiple tables, one for each data entity. After all, a single database consists of multiple tables — so DynamoDB would logically involve multiple DynamoDB...