
Just a collection of stuff (mostly from my old blog)

My Friends been hacked on Hotmail


When the web was starting up and I was still using a 14.4kBps line for dial-up I used hotmail as my default web-based email service. Back then it gave out nearly 4MB of storage (wow!), then about 5-6 years later I migrated my email account to Yahoo Mail! as it offered nearly 250MB of storage, finally about 2 years later, I switched to Gmail that offered 2GB of storage, and I haven’t maxed... : Let’s you know how fast your page loads across the world


Want to figure out how long your site loads across the globe. This great app called provide a simple straightforward interface to time your webpage load time from various locations across the globe. Besides having a very apt url, actually has a great looking design. The app is design to do one thing and one thing only, and that’s to let you know how many seconds your...

Fox News Twitter got hacked, claims Obama is dead


Fox news, the great TV channel that brought us the Simpsons and Bill O’ Reilly today had it’s twitter account hacked. Hackers manage to break into @foxnewspolitics twitter account and start posting bogus tweets, one notably about an assassination of Barack Obama. The hackers painstakingly painted a picture of Obama dying from two shots to the head over the course of 3-5 tweets... is launching! Is it worth it?


Recently I registered at for a free account to try out it’s service. For those who don’t know, was a site that ‘fetches’ files for you from rapidshare, megaupload and a host of ofther file sharing websites and ‘Full Speed’. What that means is, no waiting 5 minutes for the file to begin download or throttled speeds. will get the file...

Malaysian Governments Rm1.8million Facebook page: Utter Rubbish


It’s not often I get to write about 2 topics I’m deeply passionate about, politics and technology. So when I got wind that my very own government (whom I voted against by the way) spent nearly USD600k on a facebook page you can imagine how I blew my top. Now let’s be honest, RM1.8 million isn’t going to make Malaysia bankrupt but it does represent huge amount of government... : A great way to jot down notes online.

n is a great simple online app that allows you to store your notes in a quick online interface. Of course you’re wondering why you’d need a note taking app when you carry your iPhone or Blackberry all over the place, but offers a couple of cool nifty features that make it quite practical.

Coolendar: Wonderful Calendar App


Google just added appointment slots to their online Calendar in their quest to successfully emulate MS Outlook on the cloud. Quite frankly, Googles getting pretty good, I can organize my whole life online and now with appointment slots I can allow people to book my time online, just like they would do with a MS Outlook Meeting Request. For those of us who miss the good ol’ days of pen and...

Visualizing the Twitter Universe


Nathan Yau, the guy over at Flowing Data (an amazing blog),  recently posted about a website called tweetolife that allowed you visualize tweets by either gender or by hours. So for instance a simple check on the word ‘shopping’ allows you to see what words were most associated with shopping on every tweet sectioned out by gender. For instance Men are more likely to tweet about...