
Just a collection of stuff (mostly from my old blog)

Kampung Wi-Fi: What’s going on?


Late last year the Government announced the Kampung Wi-Fi (or Village Wi-Fi initiative). The initiative was mooted by The Information, Communications and Culture Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim. Currently there are already 1,400 villages with Wi-Fi access and the Government hopes to increase that to 4,000 by year end. That’s good news to a lot of villagers, broadband penetration is...

Tricubes gets new RM6million contract


Sounds surprising and quite convenient, that a company that reports a loss of Rm17 million, goes on to report that they have a lifeline, in the form of  a Rm6 million dollar contract from the police to “maintain the Royal Malaysian Police’s (PDRM) mobile systems for two years starting January 1“. Quoting this Malaysian Insider Report : “In a filing to Bursa Malaysia today, the...

PPSMI:Where’s the Science?


A couple of hundred years ago, if you wanted to find out what was inside a horses mouth, you’d go to a quite corner and sit for a while and contemplate what was in a horses mouth. This sounds anathema to anyone reading a blog in the 21st century, but it was quite common in the days of Aristotle. Our brains are hard-wired for imagination, in fact happiness expert Daniel Gilbert actually goes...

Tricubes reports Rm17million lose, typo in Annual Report


About 2 years ago if you typed “miserable failure” on Google the first listed webpage would be the wikipedia entry for President George W. Bush, apparently a few guys found out how Google ranks their pages and decided (with a little help from friends) to push up the GWBs Wikipedia page for the search entry “miserable failure”. Google has since changed it’s algorithm...

SOPA: What Trey Ratcliff and Uri Geller have to say


Trey Ratcliff is a professional photographer who photographs ooze with talent, he also blogs at It’s an amazing blog, but what’s even more amazing is that Trey chooses to release his works of art under the creative commons non-commercial license, which has it’s restrictions but allows free usage of the photos as long as its used for non-commercial purposes...

The Year in Review: A lookback at 2011


In 2009 I did a year in review and today (on Christmas Eve), I’m hoping to look back at my year and savor my accomplishments and even failures in preparation for my next project which I’m hoping to commence next year. So most of time this year was spent doing many things, among others I moved out of my parents place into a new house I bought, while this may sound strange to most...

Computing Professionals Bill: Final Verdict


In what I hope is my last post about this ridiculous bill, I hope to ask and answer an important question I’m surprised no one has asked yet… Why do we need such a bill? In essence do we need to raise standards, or provide assurance to employers regarding hired professionals. I believe the answer is NO. It all stems from a brilliant book I read “start with Why” by Simon...

I’m so happy….


My blog & name was mentioned on BFMs tech talk today. Woo hoo!! I’m so happy!! You can download the podcast of the show at BFMs website here , and it’s fantastic (partially because it mentions my blog). So while MOSTI still hasn’t given up on the bill, apparently no one in the Industry wants the bill except MOSTI, and they’re just a Government Ministry. Where were the...

Jobstreet does its bit for Thailand


The Thais have had a rough couple of months. With floods inundating entire swaths of the country, Bangkok had to revise its GDP estimates for the year and even hard-disk prices spiked due to limited supply. There is some good news though, Western Digital recently started up it’s plant in Thailand (although no news on when it’ll be resuming operations) and many other companies are...

Computing Professionals Bill: This is IT


Some laws you have to fight wars to keep….others you have to fight wars to be repealed. This is one of those laws you have to fight to prevent from ever being made a law… On April 12th , 1861 Confederate forces attacked Union Military installation named Fort Sumter in South Carolina. The attacked marked the beginning of the American Civil War, and the United States of America would...