
Just a collection of stuff (mostly from my old blog)

Answering the tough questions: Watson vs. Humans


IBM have always been on the cutting edge of innovation, they’ve moved more becoming merely a computer company to  what is probably the first truly all encompassing technology company, they don’t just make fancy gadgets or shiny tinga-ma-jigs, they make actual solutions for real-world problems. In 1996, IBM introduced the world to Deep Blue. Kasparov met Deep Blue and wasn’t...

How SSL works: A presentation on Slideshare

H is a great tool to share presentations on the web. Think of it as the youtube of powerpoint presentations. I was toying around with my preview version of Microsoft Office 2013, specifically Powerpoint 2013, and I thought I’d create a new powerpoint to illustrate what I described earlier this week about How SSL works. Hope you guys like the powerpoint presentation, I was just...

HTTP vs. HTTPs : Why SSL and TLS are important


I was looking for some detail on Maxis Fibre to Home service until I came across this while trying to to access the Maxis Customer Forum online: In the early days of the internet, all the data flowing through was done in plaintext, this meant that everything flowing on the internet was fair-game for anyone to hijack and view. It was akin to sending postcards all around, all the post-men and...

Google bigquery


There are other more popular tools for big data, but today we’ll focus on Google BigQuery for a very good reason. It’s the only one I know how to use. Google BigQuery is a full fledge big data tool developed by google and stored on the cloud. There’s a lot more information you can glean from their presentation here. The short story is that Google created this tool online where...

What is big data


It’s obvious that people have gotten bigger these past few decades, what’s less obvious is how data has grown bigger in the past few years. In fact, 90% of the digital data we have today, was created in the last 2 years. Put another way, in 2010 we had just 10% of the digital data we have today. In 2011, an estimated 1.2 TRILLION Gigabytes of data was created. That’s roughly...

How to change your Unifi password


Now It’s quite clear from a previous post I did how about easy it was to hack a Unifi Dlink DIR-615 Wi-Fi router, that the least you should do is change your standard router password to something that’s more than the regular 8 digit Pin Unifi gives you by default. Let’s take a look at how to change your unifi password, or how to find it in case you’ve forgotten. Step 1:...

How to enable VPN connectivity on Maxis Mobile


Just a quick post for a Wednesday, as most of you know I just recently purchased my Samsung Galaxy S3 courtesy of the Maxis One Club. With that S3, I also purchased a RM68/month mobile data plan for 3G. Now for those of you with an Android phone that tethering on the Phone is super easy. Tethering is when I use my phone as a wireless router for my laptop (or any other device). So I’m...

Finally got my Samsung Galaxy S3


Finally after a long long wait, I managed to get my Samsung Galaxy S3 from Maxis. I got the phone last Wednesday and now after just 5 days with it, I have to say — best Rm999 spent EVER! For those of you still curious as to how I got it for Rm999 when I recently complained about Maxis advertising a “while stocks last promotion” as a “4 day long promotion”...

10 Strange things about the ICANN Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD)


I wrote a very long time ago, about cool Top Level domains you could buy. For instance I wanted to buy the .TH top level domain so that my website could be . Unfortunately, I found out that the .TH domain name belongs to Thailand and they’ve pretty made it very difficult for a non-Thai to get a hold of their domain names. You’re probably also familiar with the .TV top level domain...

THANK YOU: won the #DigiWWWOW awards


Some of you might have heard, but if you haven’t then brace yourself– I won the #DigiWWWOW awards!! WOO HOO!! I’m still trying to come to grips on how I manage to beat out competitors like Amanz,  MrPiratz.Com, and of course Technology, Design,Inspiration. All of whom garner more hits than me, and are far more popular. Mr.Piratz was the first person to congratulate me...