
Malaysian Technology Issue from a Malaysian Tech Blog

Selangor Cyber Cafes made to retrieve personal data


Goldfries today reports that Selangor Cyber Cafes were given new regulations to make them ‘healthier’. Among the new regulations put in place were: >register their patrons’ personal details based on their MyKad or MyKid identification cards. >use transparent and untinted glass so that what happens inside can be monitored; >have an open layout with no “blind...

Why the SKMM Rm200 smartphone rebate is a bad idea


The Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission (MCMC) or better known by its bahasa acronym SKMM, has recently announced that the government will be offering a ‘rebate’ of RM200 of a list of ‘selected’ smartphones for youthsaged 21 to 30 years old. The program called the ‘Youth Communication Package’ or Pakej Kommunikasi Belia (PKB) has come under...

No Surprise Malaysia scores low on Science


This is a tech blog, so let’s talk about tech. Let’s about the technology behind the term geo-engineering. According to wikipedia  “The concept of geoengineering (or climate engineering, climate remediation, and climate intervention) refers to “the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system, in order to moderate global warming”. The techniques...

SKMM Study: The Best and Worst Telco in KL


Who doesn’t absolutely hate that feeling you get when a call gets drop, or for some reason you just can’t seem to make a phone call on your network. Recently an elderly couple in America died while trying to phone for help--they had 9 drop calls in succession, which just goes to show just how important communications are in our time. Malaysian wireless reports on an SKMM study done in...

Science in Malaysia : Myth #1 Homework


As I read more about the sad state of affairs of Science Education in Malaysia, I can see glaring areas for improvement, and some areas that surprise me. All of this data is readily available in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) that is actually a benchmark our very own Malaysian Government uses to gauge the success of the National Education blueprint. It’s a...

Malaysia signs ITU


About 2,000 delegates representing major telecommunication industry players, experts and representatives from nearly 200 member countries of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) assemble here to discuss the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR) at theWorld Conference of International Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT). Shouldering the responsibility as a member of the ITU...

Science Education in Malaysia — it just sucks!


Putrajaya we have a problem. While the economy maybe growing and the KLCI trending upwards, Malaysia’s number 1 resource is most definitely trending down. In fact there may be a time when it disappears completely and we’ll have to either import it, or live without it. I’m not talking about oil, I’m talking about our scientist and engineers. The way science is thought in...

LTE in Malaysia has No iPhone5 support


Breaking news. That new iPhone that you lined up overnight for outside KLCC–won’t have LTE support, and quite possibly–never will!! So before you plonk down your dough on the next big thing, you might want to consider how you’d feel if within 6 months everybody else on your block had next generation 4G speeds–except you! LiewCF reports that : Maxis has announced that...

Does the government have a right to shut down telecommunications services?


Press.Tv reports that Pakistan has suspended mobile phone services in several major cities to prevent terror attacks on minority Shia groups as they celebrate the holy month of Muharram. The rationale behind the suspension is that the terrorist use mobile phone services to detonate bombs and as a result the suspension of mobile phone services would help prevent such attacks. Meanwhile, Ihsanullah...

IT Career in Malaysia : Why Information Technology rocks


So your child has just finish SPM or STPM or A-Levels and now you’re looking at a possible future career for them, or you yourself have just graduated and considering your future career. This is not something to take lightly, after all it’s the 4th most important decision in your life, behind who you get married to, when to have your first child and which EPL team to support. (hint:...