
Malaysian Technology Issue from a Malaysian Tech Blog

Malaysian Public Opinion of Science and Technology


I recently discovered a really good study conducted by the MASTIC in Malaysia to determine Public Awareness of Science in Malaysia. The study was conducted every 2 years from 1998 till 2008, which gives us 5 really great data sets to determine not just the public awareness of science in a particular year–but also how that perception changes over the decade. The study makes for a good...

Malaysian Education System : Seriously flawed GTP report


In conjuction with the release of the Government Transformation Project Annual report, the Star today reported: The Malaysian education system is on track to becoming among the world’s best as stringent monitoring is in place to ensure its success under the Government Transformation Plan (GTP). “The rate of improvement of the system in the last 15 years is among the fastest in the world,”...

MCMC screw up press release


So after the furore over the Malaysian Insider article that wrongly accused the Government of using spyware on its citizens, the MCMC rightly issued a press statement denouncing the article. Unfortunately, even the MCMC has to do some reading up a bit before it post up press releases. According to the MCMC press release which you can read in it’s entirety here: MCMC has also conducted a...

Malaysian Cyberwar: Is it an external war or is it civil


A really piece written by Asohan Aryaduray on DigitalNewsAsia some time back talked about how the CyberWar between Malaysia and the Philippines was going on, and how he wanted government agencies to step up the security of our digital assets (or at least start the discussion). Asohan claims that Malaysia perhaps has “the most number of government and quasi-government agencies looking into...

Malaysian government using spyware against citizens? No, not really.


I’ve been pretty busy the past few months, and my post count has been pretty low, and although I just returned from a 2 week trip abroad and am now flushed full of work, I decided to burn a bit of the midnight oil today because the Malaysian Insider completely pissed me off. It all started with an article from Lim Kit Siangs blog, which read “Malaysia uses spyware against citizens...

Is the MCMC going to ‘monitor and control’ or is it going to ‘censor’


A week ago, I wrote about the MCMC was planning to ‘monitor and control’ the internet, but just today I looked at my RSS subscription and notice that the Malay version of the press release used completely different words. While the English version of the Press release used words like ‘monitor and control’, the Bahasa version used the term ‘memantau dan...

MCMC looking to ‘control’ social media at GE13: A worrying trend


Bernama (an official government news channel) yesterday reported that the MCMC is “looking at suitable methods to monitor and control the use of social media in the 13th General Election (GE13)“. Deputy Information Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Maglin Dennis D’Cruz said this was “to ensure that the social media would not be abused by irresponsible quarters to achieve...

Malaysian parents don’t want Kids to do science


This is so true. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is probably the most famous astrophysicist  on the planet, and of late he’s been the face of science education in America. He’s got the coolness of Jay-Z mixed with the lovability of Bill Cosby and the intelligence of Carl Sagan all rolled into one. He’s been promoting science in America a lot, and fighting for a budget increase for NASA...

PSY Penang: Are you ready for BN audio analysis


Are you ready for PSY? or are you ready for some PYSICS? Well, that’s too nerdy even for me. The reality is that if you want to know whether penang-ites said a big ‘NO’ or ‘YES’ when Najib asked them if they were ready for BN? The answer doesn’t lie with political blogs or with the politicians. The answer lies in Physics. Sound waves, just like all other waves...