
A collection of post on creating blogs and getting the most out of them

Sub-domains on your site


Subdomains are a tricky thing. In laymans terms all it means is to have something else in place of the ‘www’ in your web address. So for example: <- This is my domain <- this is my sub-domain, more specifically the resume sub-domain. Creating a subdomain allows you to section out your website, while allowing your urls to look cleaner. Personally I’m a bit...

Adding a facebook Like Button to your post


Adding facebook like buttons are tricky things. It used to be I’d need to install a new plugin to have these facebook like buttons. For instance I use to use DiggDigg, which is a pretty good plugin for wordpress. However, for the initiated a code version that I could stick anywhere in my post seemed a lot more flexible to me.
So how does it work. Simple.

Installing Joomla on your Nearlyfreespeech site


Joomla is a content management system that is customized for building actual sites. WordPress is similar to Joomla with the exception that it’s VERY VERY tailored to blogs. Of course I’m still new to most of this, but you can read up more by searching online:
So how do you install Joomla on nearlyfreespeech, surprisingly it’s VERY easy. Follow these steps.

Testing Media RSS


MediaRSS is a wordpress plugin that allows you to post images into your RSS stream. So instead of seeing, just plain text in GoogleReader or FriendFeed you’d see text and a nice little photo. The plugin supposedly uses the first image in your post as the thumbnail to the RSS fee. This is just a TEST!! Stay tuned for more. <br> <br> Photo taken from Profound Whatever’s...

Moving from Blogger to WordPress


I’ve had my blog on google powered blogger for over 8 years now. I first post on blogger was on April Fools day 2003!! That’s a full 8 years ago, my blog is probably older than some of it’s readers. All 8 of them… I enjoyed my time with Blogger, and this project  to move everything to was not due to unhappiness with blogger, but rather trying to move...

Using Google Web Fonts on WordPress


Ever got up in the morning and wished you could blog in Tangerine, or felt like only Special Elite could fully express your creative juices. How about: syncopate!!
All those words in color are in fonts that are deemed not websafe, yet you can probably view it nicely on your browsers…the trick is using Googles new web gizmo, the Google WebFonts API.

What is a WordPress Cache and how do I use it?


WordPress is the best blogging platform out there. It’s the best blogging platform ever. It’s great, but there is one downside. It’s SLOOOOW. How Slow, depending on what you post up. People are a lot more forgiving on a PC, but if you’re surfing on EDGE through your mobile phone, or browsing on a slow connection, it’s very very slow. Painfully slow. There is a great...

Contact Form for WordPress: Contact form 7


Even though you’ve got the social network icons on the menu bar, underneath every post and your email plastered all over the website. Sometimes it’s worth it to have a contact form for visitors to contact you via the webpage. This means they don’t have to login into facebook/twitter or their email to contact you. There are advantages of course, if someone stumbled across your...

What is a QR Code


Ever wonder what that funny looking Barcode thing on newspaper ads and beer cans is? Well it’s called a QR code and it’s a fad that catching on. Just like a barcode that encapsulates information into lines of varying size–remember that thing cashiers scan at the checkout aisle? A QR code is exactly like a bar-code but in 2 Dimensions rather than just 1. A QR code encapsulates...