
A collection of post on creating blogs and getting the most out of them

Secure Apache configuration for WordPress & SSL


Recently I moved the hosting for from a regular hosted platform called WPWebhost to my own Virtual machine on digitalOcean. The results have been great, but the migration process was a bit tedious and took some effort. I thought I’d share my Apache configurations, so that if you’re thinking of hosting your own WordPress site on an SSL server, you’ll at least...

Nearlyfreespeech the hosting provider that takes security seriously


You all know how much I love nearlyfreespeech, it’s one of the best hosting providers out there. Here’s one more reason, recently they alerted me to a suspicious number of login attempts to my wordpress site, which usually means someone was trying to hack it. If you remember the post I did about the RHB bank scam, it’s quite common for hackers to inject pages onto a wordpress...

My Issue with WPWebHost: Bad Support


Last weekend I had an issue with my hosting provider, WPWebHost. I switched to WPWebHost 2 years ago, and recommended them because they promised wordpress hosting at an affordable rate. WordPress hosting is where the hosting provider would support wordpress specific features, e.g. help troubleshoot plugin and theme issues, perform nightly backups, and offer ‘higher availability’ for...

SEO Tips for Malaysian Bloggers


A lot of my search traffic comes from Google, in July I had slightly more than 8,000 visits to my site with just over 6,000 of those coming just from Google. So it made a lot of sense for me to look into some Search Engine Optimization to help boost those numbers. In September, I had more than 10,000 visits with more 8,o00 from Google, which of course begs the question who are the lovely people...

Why I stopped the Nuffnang Ads on my blog


About 2 months back, I posted up a nuffnang ad on my blog, and with reasons explaining why I felt the need to advertise. The guys from Nuffnang were pretty stand-up characters and I felt like I could trust them, so I begin to post Nuffnang ads and monitor that over time. Unfortunately the results haven’t been so good, and after some reflection I decided not to port over the nuffnang ads...

WPWebHost : WordPress Hosting in Malaysia from Exabytes


You may have noticed that my site recently got a spanking new design. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my previous wordpress theme (compositio by Design Disease) and my previous web host (the ever awesome, nearlyfreespeech), but there were 2 real compelling reasons for me to switch web host. First, maintaining wordpress was taking a lot of time, this included the usual backups and updates and...

What is wordpress?


I’m a really big fan of 3 things, Manchester United, AC/DC and Wordpress!! WordPress is awesome, but as awesome as it is, a lot of people don’t really know what it is. It gets even more confusing, because there’s actually two definitions of WordPress. One is WordPress the blogging platform, and another is –the blogging website. WordPress is a blogging...

What I learnt from winning the DigiWWWOW awards


[blackbirdpie url=”;] Exactly one month ago, I was honored to be awarded the DigiWWWOW awards Fave tech Head award. It was truly unexpected and I continue to feel grateful for it. For those of you who don’t know what the DigiWWWOW awards is, it’s basically like the Grammy Awards for Malaysian blogs, so instead of singers and producers being awarded gold statues, the DigiWWWOW...

I’m officially on Nuffnang


If you didn’t already know, there’s something on the sidebar of this site, something that hasn’t been there before. Something that I’m not particularly happy to put on my site– it is — an Advertisement!!! (gasp!) To be more specific it’s a nuffnang add, about 10 lines of javascript code that will for the next couple of months display ads to visitors of...

THANK YOU: won the #DigiWWWOW awards


Some of you might have heard, but if you haven’t then brace yourself– I won the #DigiWWWOW awards!! WOO HOO!! I’m still trying to come to grips on how I manage to beat out competitors like Amanz,  MrPiratz.Com, and of course Technology, Design,Inspiration. All of whom garner more hits than me, and are far more popular. Mr.Piratz was the first person to congratulate me...