
Tickets to Russell Peters Live in KL: Here’s how you can get them


*update: there’s been an announcement that the organizers are setting up a second show due to the huge demand. I’d recommend waiting for that before you start buying 2nd hand tickets. Dissapointed you didn’t get your hands on Russell Peters tickets for the KL show? Upset because you spent the whole night waiting for it, only to find out that the 7000+ tickets were sold almost...

Russell Peters : A case for copyright


Update 1: Russell Peters World Tour in Malaysia was sold out in hours. I failed to get a ticket online, couldn’t even log in. A friend of mine lining up in KLCC was told at around 10-ish in the morning that only platinum tickets were available.  Update 2: There are ‘strong’ rumors suggesting there will be a 2nd show due to the overwhelming response. stay tuned. I remember...

One year of Blogging on Nearlyfreespeech


I’m a big fan of Nearlyfreespeech. I think they’re a great webhost, and so far I haven’t been proven wrong. Sure their interface is a bit ‘simplistic’ and they’re site looks a bit dated, but overall I like the speed the provide, their infrastructure hasn’t failed me and their security hasn’t been compromised. The same can’t be said about my...

4 Reasons you need an RSS feed


If you don’t know what RSS is, prepare to have your mind blown. If you’ve never used RSS, chances are you’re still bookmarking your favorite websites and blogs and visiting them on a regular basis painfully one at a time. RSS feeds allow you to magically consolidate all the content you read online, into one platform where you can get your daily dose of information all at one go...

Lazada : The Amazon clone (and Samwer brothers) finally land in Malaysia


This blog is about Technology, but in these past few years it’s become impossible to talk about technology without touching on the subjects of copyright and censorship. Very few people have a clear cut definition of what is acceptable copyright infringement and what isn’t. Not too long ago I wrote about how a wordpress theme designer was being sued because he created a facebook theme...

Design your perfect server with Skali Cloud


After doing some research on Malaysian Cloud offerings particularly the IaaS offerings, I noticed something rather interesting from Skali. Now I always remembered Skali as an early web startup some time back in the 90s trying to ride the internet wave but failing all along the way, this however has some promise. Skali takes cloud scalability to a whole different level with their cloud offerings...

MaxisCloud : A silver lining in terms of data transfer


A couple of weeks back I wrote a long post on the Maxis Cloud comparing it to other IaaS providers like Amazon and rackspace. That post wasn’t too kind to Maxis, and I did mention that there was no reason to use it…unless the data transfer was free. As it turns out, data transfer on the Maxis IS FREE!! This is a good step in the right direction for 2 reasons. Firstly, it means for...

A TED talk to point out the stupidity of Copyright Mathematics


A great talk by Rob Reid on how copyright numbers are fudged to the point that they stop making sense. From a job loss number that exceeds the total number of jobs the music & movie industry had in the 90’s, to the magical $150,000 number copyright owners claim to lose for every song copied. How in the world is that possible? As a bonus, take a look at this TED talk by Larry Lessig on...

Igor Presnyakov succeeds in getting kickstart-ed


Now some say he lives in Amsterdam and lives only on cheese,that may be fiction but damnit this guy is the best guitarist I’ve seen. Check out Igor’s rendition of Canon from the youtube embed above and you’ll know what I’m talking about, or just head on over to youtube and check out the countless songs he’s played on youtube including sweet child of mine or someone...

Maxis Cloud : Too Late, Too expensive and Too Restrictive


Maxis recently launched their new IaaS offering in the form called the Maxis Cloud. According to the Maxis Cloud is said to be the ” the most advanced on-demand, real-time, fully managed cloud service in Malaysia, Maxis Cloud allows businesses to scale their cloud computing infrastructure according to their needs at any time through its self-service portal.” That’s...