One thing is true of all governments, the most reliable records are Tax records. That is one of the coolest quotes from a very cool movie (which is saying a lot). In V for Vendetta, the heroes try to piece together a puzzle by visiting the tax records to locate some missing information, in real-life we’re also faced with the same problem. No matter how corrupt or bureaucratic you think the...
Digi WWWOW Awards has an annual Internet for all awards where they aim to with the aim of “showcasing the incredible creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurialism of ordinary Malaysians using the Internet in extraordinary ways” . A much simpler way of thinking about the Internet for all awards is that it’s just like the Grammys for Malaysian blogs. Digi have actually increased the breadth...
TM Unifi speeds actually quite GOOD!
While they may have caused “The Great 9 day downtime of 2012“, and I ‘might’ have been terribly upset with them. Over the past few months, I must admit– My Unifi Connection Speed is Absolutely brilliant!! Say what???! You heard me right, although I had a terrible 9 days of no internet earlier this year, Unifi has been nothing but buttery silky smooth ever since...
How come the ads you see look like your previous searches?
Ever wonder how come the ads you see on Facebook or Malaysiakini reflect the searches you just recently made. Ever felt freaked out about it, there really is nothing to freak out about, unless of course you’re worried that a Multi-Billion dollar company may be keeping information about your searches and sharing them with ad sites that build profiles to uniquely identify you. Or that your...
Kindle in Malaysia : Buying and Using a Kindle in Malaysia
My wife is an avid reader (just like me!), but she reads mostly fiction where as I read non-fiction. So to save on our book bills which often exceed the RM1000 a year each, I thought it’ll be great to get ourselves an ebook reader. This would not only save us money , because e-books cost less than physical books–but would allows to easily store and retrieve the books we read, which...
Malaysiakini down!
*Update: Malaysiakini have confirmed the update on their facebook page, looks like you need to look for other sources of Bersih 3.0 news, this could take a while. It’s also note-worthy that 10 people ‘like’ this on facebook, obviously over-looking the fact that nobody should ‘like’ this. With barely 12 hours to go before Bersih 3.0 starts to swing into action...
Congratulations LHDN
The star today reports that: e-Filing looks to be a definite winner among Malaysians well over half of the country’s estimated 2.5 million tax-paying citizens have gone the paperless route. Inland Revenue Board (IRB) figures showed that as at yesterday, 1,621,647 Malaysians had filed their taxes, with online filings accounting for nearly 75% of the total I must say, if the numbers are true...
Maxis Launches ebook portal
So Maxis launched their new ebook portal aptly title, far be it from me to point out that an ebook portal should at least have the word book spelled correctly (don’t you think so Maxis), also judging by the SSL certificate it appears wanted to go for a more generic domain name before switching to I’m an avid reader and was excited when I...
Proton Preve breaksdown in the middle of the road. FAIL!
The forum is abuzz with news and photos of a broken down Proton Preve. Not good news for a car Dr. Mahathir called the best proton ever. The rumour mill is abuzz with the reasons for the breakdown, but as of now it looks clear that the Proton in question didn’t crash, but rather than some part ‘lower arm assembly’ gave way, or something like that. Now I drive a 8 year...
Google Trust Issue
I remember graduating from university and heading over to Intel for my first job interview. I can’t remember most of the interview (and maybe that’s why I never got the job), but I do remember telling the interviewer my dream was to work for Google, in hindsight I probably shouldn’t have said that. Even then, and more so now, I had a huge admiration for Google. I admire they way...