
Watch Netflix, Hulu and even Euro2012 online from Malaysia


Malaysians have always been deprived of real-time video content online. We’ve no access to Netflix or Hulu, we can’t watch the full episodes of the Jay Leno show online, we can’t watch the BBC replays of the football matches, we can’t even watch videos from TheOnion for crying out loud. Why? because NBC, FOX, Netflix, Hulu, BBC and even the Onion restrict access to this...

Netflix accounts for 32% of internet traffic : What it means for pirated content in Malaysia


Maternity leave has long been plaguing womens career, women would usually take an extended leave and risk falling behind their male counterparts. As an extension to this, employers were also hesitant to hire women (particularly pregnant women) since it meant a legally mandated leave of absence that their male colleagues would never take. Governments have tried to stem this discrimination by...

Skali Cloud: A review ultra-scalable skali Cloud


A couple of months back, I wrote a small article about the Skali Cloud and how I liked the niche approach they took to cloud computing. Skali offers a very unique ultra-scalable instances that can be attached to physical machines of variable performances and storage space. In normal English, that just means you can actually the processor speed, amount of RAM and even storage space of your machine...

THANK YOU: won the #DigiWWWOW awards


Some of you might have heard, but if you haven’t then brace yourself– I won the #DigiWWWOW awards!! WOO HOO!! I’m still trying to come to grips on how I manage to beat out competitors like Amanz,  MrPiratz.Com, and of course Technology, Design,Inspiration. All of whom garner more hits than me, and are far more popular. Mr.Piratz was the first person to congratulate me...

Get 2 passes to the Digi WWWOW awards


Hey all, as many of you know I submitted my blog to the Digi WWWOW awards, and a couple of weeks back I received confirmation that my blog was top 10–woo hoo!! Being nominated for the top 10 meant that I was invited for the awards night, and I got to bring as many as 3 guest. However, at the last minute 2 of my guest had to cancel and now I’m looking at possibly 2 empty seats at my...

LinkedIn Passwords comprimised: How to change it


[blackbirdpie url=”;] Security Analyst today reported that as many as 6 million LinkedIn passwords have been leaked, the 161 million strong Social network focused on creating professional relationships have since confirmed the leak and have taken steps to mitigate the issues. All compromised accounts will no longer have their old passwords working, and so the first thing you want to do is...

Confirmed: Crowdsourced reviews are better than Professional critics


A study by the Harvard Business School published in april 2012 via it’s online portal HBS Working Knowledge, confirms that “Expert ratings are correlated with Amazon ratings, suggesting that experts and consumers tend to agree in aggregate about the quality of a book. However, there are systematic differences between these sets of reviews.” In layman terms that just means that...

Maxis Loker: A review


As you know, I’m not really happy with Maxis. I was utterly disappointed by their latest S3 launch, I don’t think their cloud offerings of ebook portal is anything to shout at, and the if my wifes office would get decent Digi coverage, I’d switch in a heartbeat. That being said, this is one of the times I think Maxis has done a decent job on their Loker offering. It is quite...

Samsung Galaxy S3: I don’t have one


First off, let me come clean and say that I’m not really to please with Maxis today. I drove all the way to my local Maxis store on Friday to get an S3 at the offer price of Rm999, the phone was out of stock (which was acceptable for the hype around the phone) but I was told I couldn’t even pre-order or book the phone. Meaning, that when if I eventually get the phone — probably...

CPU Wars: Why didn’t I think of this #damnit


I remember playing with a plane cards and car cards. It’s a deck of cards where they list out certain specific traits of airplanes or cars like speed, weight, acceleration etc etc. The objective of the game was to get all the cards in the deck by trumping the other based on a trait called out. This little kickstarter project though, took that particular game play and layered on it a CPUs...