The White House has a “We the People” website where any member of the US public can submit a petition.If the number of people supporting the petition exceeds 25,000 then the White House will at the very least respond. While for the most part, the petitions are boring and politically slanted — the coolest and most techy petition to date was one to “Secure resources and...
Customer Complaints on Malaysian Telcos — Disconnected Foreigner
A couple of days ago, a reader of the blog wrote a rather long comment on a post I wrote about writing to TM’s CEO to restore my Unifi service. The comment detailed out a long horrific story of a foreigner in Malaysia trying to get decent broadband. I felt the story was to compelling to leave in the comments section and requested permission from the author to post it formally on the blog un...
MACC says Facebook at work is Corruption
According to last weeks Star, MACC deputy chief commissioner Datuk Sutinah Sutan was reported to have said that Civil servants and staff of government-linked companies (GLCs) surfing social media or engaging in personal matters during working hours may be categorized as having committed corruption!! The underlying logic to the argument seems plausible enough, Datuk Sutinah goes on to elaborate...
Are TNBs new electric meters rigged to charge higher
There’s been a huge controversy over the newly installed digital Electric meters by TNB, with consumers from all walks of life raising hell over their the perceived rise of their utility bills ever since they’ve installed thenew meters. USJ State assemblywomen Hannah Yeoh blogged about her response to this, urging TNB to explain the price hike. However the state assemblywomens action...
And your Default Unifi Password is…
Many folks seem to be stuck with their Unifi Passwords. It’s actually quite simple. For the most part, most Shops and Restaurants that provide Free Wi-Fi via Unifi don’t change their Router Password allowing easy access for a nefarious intruder to logon and gain access to the router. Once inside, they’ll be able to do lots and lots of damage, including opening up a permanent...
Celcom launches LTE in Malaysia
Coming just days after an announcement from Maxis, Celcom is looking to launch their own LTE network. I really don’t understand what all the fuss is about, only a handful of phones in the market will actually be able to ‘enjoy’ the faster speeds of LTE, but I do remember my American Colleagues telling me that LTE is America is faster than the fibre connection they have at...
Amazon Shipping to Malaysia
A couple of days back, I decided to buy a Christmas present for my wife. In my usual lackadaisical procrastinating style however–I only decided to buy on the 21st of December, which is barely 4 days from Christmas. In my defense, I already had a great Christmas present in mind–it was something called the fitbit, a full fledge pedometer that not just records your steps everyday, but...
Selangor Cyber Cafes made to retrieve personal data
Goldfries today reports that Selangor Cyber Cafes were given new regulations to make them ‘healthier’. Among the new regulations put in place were: >register their patrons’ personal details based on their MyKad or MyKid identification cards. >use transparent and untinted glass so that what happens inside can be monitored; >have an open layout with no “blind...
Why the SKMM Rm200 smartphone rebate is a bad idea
The Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission (MCMC) or better known by its bahasa acronym SKMM, has recently announced that the government will be offering a ‘rebate’ of RM200 of a list of ‘selected’ smartphones for youthsaged 21 to 30 years old. The program called the ‘Youth Communication Package’ or Pakej Kommunikasi Belia (PKB) has come under...
No Surprise Malaysia scores low on Science
This is a tech blog, so let’s talk about tech. Let’s about the technology behind the term geo-engineering. According to wikipedia “The concept of geoengineering (or climate engineering, climate remediation, and climate intervention) refers to “the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system, in order to moderate global warming”. The techniques...